Wednesday 13 May 2015

Enchanted Wood

Enchanted Wood

It's dark here
in the enchanted wood

where the trees whisper

through their leaves

telling stories

of the passage of time

Their secrets safe

in swaying branches

Firmly held by

Tall stern trunks

With roots like finger tips,

reaching out

holding on to existence

laying the foundations of life
©Diane Hinchliffe 2014

For a while there

For a while there
For a while there

I felt a tug of sadness

at the core of my very being

as I make my way away

from the place my soul knows

as home.

Then I take time to reassure

that now is not forever

and soon I will return

And then my heart cries out,

why, why leave this place

that gives shelter to my soul

and I don't know what to say.

©Diane Hinchliffe 2014

Rainbow Bubbles

Rainbow Bubbles
Loneliness strikes

it seems

out of the valley

of nowhere

as do

glistening rainbow bubbles

float by
©Diane Hinchliffe 2014



I wondered how it was

That I struggled in this world

In this rigid box
that had become the pattern
of my life

And then I noticed that

The space that had been given me
was too small

For who I would become

For who I was

© Diane Hinchliffe 2014



Time flies
Things change
Moving on
What next
What now

Something new
Something old
Something different

Change stops
staying still

© Diane Hinchliffe 2015